Monday, August 28, 2006

All I ask of you

No more talk of darkness,
forget these wide-eyed fears;
I'm here, nothing can harm you,
my words will warm and calm you.

Let me be your freedom,
let daylight dry your tears;
I'm here, with you, beside you,
to guard you and to guide you.

Say you love me every waking moment,
turn my head with talk of summertime.
Say you need me with you now and always;
promise me that all you say is true,
that's all I ask of you.
Let me be your shelter,
let me be your light;
you're safe, no one will find you,
your fears are far behind you.
All I want is freedom,
a world with no more night;
and you, always beside me,
to hold me and to hide me.
Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime;
let me lead you from your solitude.
Say you need me with you, here beside you,
anywhere you go, let me go too,
Christine, that's all I ask of you
Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime;
say the word and I will follow you.
Share each day with me,
each night, each morning.
Say you love me!
You know I do.
Love me, that's all I ask of you.
by Andrew Lloyd Webber

Não pude deixar de publicar aqui esta obra de arte. Vi ontem o filme do musical "Phantom of the Opera" e senti-me emocionalmente enriquecido. É uma obra de génio pelo que fiquei fã do Andrew Lloyd Webber, um compositor por excelência, um verdadeiro Senhor da Música. Entre as várias músicas do musical escolhi a "All I ask of you" pois identifico alguns dos meus textos precedentes com esta descarga emocional, este encontrar de saber, o aprender do que se deseja. Quem não viu, não perca. É inigualável!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Vislumbre sereno

Os anos ensinam muitas coisas que os dias desconhecem.